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Old 24-08-2021, 03:43 PM   #6
Yvonne G
Join Date: Nov 2015
Location: Central California
Posts: 266

Originally Posted by tortydat View Post
Hello Yvonne
Good to hear from you especially as you seem so busy. I have five Horsfield hatchlings and as you say they are lovely little things plus one stray Hermann. I hope that your Manouria eggs hatch.
I hope that you can soon get your pond back in action as it must be difficult with all your creatures especially the soft shells are they aggressive?.
As Sandy has said the weather this summer has been pretty bad and like hers my tortoises are really on the wind down. The insects seem to have done well and so far we have had to deal with both a wasps nest and hornets nest both in the roof by our bedroom window so unfortunately had to be evicted by the council.
Take care - Mary
Yes, the soft shells ARE pretty aggressive. I have a very large female and a smaller male. I bought four 2'x6'x2' galvanized horse troughs, and the two softshells are way too big to have to live in one of those. I have to change the water daily. This is going to be a pretty busy winter, changing the water so often! Not looking forward to that. I ordered the troughs last September and they finally came in at the end of July - almost a whole year. So when they came in and I saw how small they are, there's no way I could re-order something bigger. Construction is scheduled to start in a couple weeks, so I need them NOW!
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