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Gordon 06-03-2021 09:25 AM

Does anyone have ravens where they live.

I was outside just now and could hear a member of the crow family calling but it sounded odd so I got the binoculars out and low and behold it was 100% a raven.
I searched online and apparently there are about 30-50 pairs in Wiltshire which I never knew it will be nice if he finds a mate and breeds around here he can play with the pair of red kites that are setting up home in a pine tree in next doors garden much to the annoyance of the resident pair of buzzards.:)

Yvonne G 06-03-2021 03:35 PM

There used to be bunches and bunches of crows here, but now you brought it to my attention, I haven't seen any for quite a long time (years). I wouldn't know how to tell the difference between a raven and a crow.

Suze65 07-03-2021 02:11 PM

We have plenty of jackdaws, Lots of buzzards over the town in summer and more recently the occasional red kite , and of course our resident peregrine falcons we see out and about in the summer, but sadly our swift’s have been in decline the last few years.

Gordon 08-03-2021 07:59 AM


Originally Posted by Suze65 (Post 679454)
We have plenty of jackdaws, Lots of buzzards over the town in summer and more recently the occasional red kite , and of course our resident peregrine falcons we see out and about in the summer, but sadly our swift’s have been in decline the last few years.

Bit longer to wait for the swifts suze but with luck they will come back in bigger numbers this year. Swallows won't be long now if it warms up a bit last year I think I saw one zoom over at the end of march.

tortydat 08-03-2021 04:58 PM


Originally Posted by Gordon (Post 679452)
Does anyone have ravens where they live.

I was outside just now and could hear a member of the crow family calling but it sounded odd so I got the binoculars out and low and behold it was 100% a raven.
I searched online and apparently there are about 30-50 pairs in Wiltshire which I never knew it will be nice if he finds a mate and breeds around here he can play with the pair of red kites that are setting up home in a pine tree in next doors garden much to the annoyance of the resident pair of buzzards.:)

I don't think I would be able to tell a Raven from a Crow or Rook and hopefully haven't got any here. As we are now living next door to some woodland there are masses of Jackdaws, Crows, Rooks, Magpies and Buzzards and because of these we have just ordered a very large fruit cage to protect the tortoises. Currently it is laid out on the lawn waiting to be put up!! Might be a challenge.

Alan1 11-03-2021 07:16 PM

There were a couple of ravens nesting at an old quarry here a long time ago, 25 years or so. I never saw them but I did see ravens or a raven anyway at Edinburgh zoo about 40 years ago and it was really big. I'm not sure if it would be a UK one or a foreign one, seems strange to have a UK bird in the zoo but I remember it being very big. We have hawk type birds hanging about the garden and up at the reservoir we get ospreys from April.

CherryBrandy 13-03-2021 03:03 PM

we do have buzzards, Red kites are are pain and I am wary of them with the tortoises. Ravens are pretty rare I think. And magpies - they all think they are an actor now with Penguin Bloom walking the red carpet, CB

emma_mcraf 15-03-2021 02:32 PM

We currently have ravens nesting in our town. I’ve seen one once flying over into a neighbours tree. At first I thought it was a bird of prey then had a better look!
One of the NT properties close to us has had ravens nesting for years in their ancient trees. We have a lot of birds of prey and magpies nest in a neighbour’s tree every year. Plenty of crows too, but since moving away from the coast, we do not miss the seagulls!

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