Thread: closed chambers
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Old 03-08-2016, 05:24 PM   #24
Join Date: Jul 2016
Posts: 198

Hi all. I keep 2 species of torts. Kinixys homeana hingebacks and redfoots(northerns and Brazilians). Both species are tropical and do not hibernate. I keep all my torts in the closed chamber method. I have to to get the 80% + humidity levels that are required. Both these species endure rainforest type weathers within an annual climate. Yeah there are some periods for the redfoots where it's hot and arid, but then again lush fruits and green foliage is not in abundance during these arid periods so they don't grow. During seasons that provide fruits etc and humidity is high they will grow more, because of high humidity and rainfall they won't pyramid. If I was to feed my redfoots in dry conditions you would get pyramiding.
In my vivs I have a CHE at one end with a fluorescent uvb tube. This gives an ambient temp and no hot spots. So at the heated end it's at 30°c and at the cool end it's 27°c.
In my big viv I have a rain system on a timer.
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