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Old 13-08-2008, 10:59 AM   #7
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Default Care for the Wild

Thanks, whilst not privy to the previous correspondence on this matter, I can imagine that much was highly emotive and vitriolic?
However, I joined this site because I am very concerned that the common interests of us as hobbyists, naturalists and genuinely involved people get fragmented into small factions.
The subject of the Asian Turtle trade, though in truth going back many decades/centuries in China has in the last Fifteen/ Twenty years become a completly unsustainable monster. It is possibly the greatest threat to any vertebrate group, since the demise of the Dinosaurs 65 million years ago.
For the last 8/9 years, following the work of eminent field biologists-not sure if they can be named? We have all known the previously unimaginable scale of this nightmare.
The large Supermarket in question, through its investment of mostly "our money" has perhaps bought into this trade, without realising how significant an issue it is? They are not alone. Other multi nationals keen to buy a ticket to ride the new Chinese "super economy", are equally guilty .
Why is it important that the matter is not left to pass into memory of this group?
1. Remember in Aesops fable- The Tortoise won the race. After 200 million years, they need a cheer!
2. At this time, China is having the eyes of the world on it. Unprecidented numbers of western visitors and potential investors are actually there!
The cultural traditions, most of which respected are all under the spot light.
Whilst this might not change the world, remember that in our culture not so very long ago we too had (a) Public execution
(b) Cock fighting
(c) Bear baiting
and oh so many deplorable traditions- THINGS CHANGE-
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