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Old 15-01-2012, 08:08 PM   #1
pwinkie03's Avatar
Join Date: Jan 2012
Posts: 548
Default Pancake table design.. is this ok?

Hi all, im currently planning my pancake tortoise table as im hoping to get a pair soon. My husband has very kindly used sketchup to draw my plans for me and i would like to see what people think before we actually make it

so as the floor space we have is limited, and pancakes love to climb, i have devised a 3 level table to fit in the under-stairs hole in our lounge (with space all around it and no door obviously.. )

ill talk you through it, so the sides will be wooden, the front (long side) is a pair of glazed doors (for access of cleaning), there will be a wide holed mesh covering the top (as pancakes are notorious escape artists and therefore i'm not risking leaving it open).

the bottom level will be lined and covered in soil/sand, with logs, hills, rocks and a few plants to climb through. the back area will be for basking on an oyster shell substrate. then the ramp, made from cork bark, will lead up to the dining area. this will have food slate, water dish and lots of flattish stones and slabs. The top level will be a hide, again with a cork bark ramp, with orchard bark substrate.

the top levels will have a wall to prevent falling made from plexi glass and along the ramp also (this will be covered partly at the bottom to reduce stress but we wanted it transparent to let extra light through). there will be 2 uv strip lights one on the ground floor and one on the first floor. i will also be grouting the wooden sides to make them look like sandstone to make the environment more natural.

Have i missed anything? im really excited about getting torts and want to give them the best possible home! once this is sorted ill have to get to work on creating a lovely outdoor enclosure too

thanks for looking, feel free to comment or criticize or ask any questions.. it will help me to make sure ive covered everything!

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