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Old 14-03-2010, 05:28 PM   #13
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Join Date: Mar 2010
Posts: 17
Arrow My feelings further explained and examined...

I DO understand what you mean, and I don't want to totally boycott Tesco because they do occasionally help

BUT it is not just down to the cruelty of the turtles suffering - It is about conservation of a species ...

Besides, this is a site called Shelled Warriors. I would have thought most here would want to save turtles from this fate. Admittedly, I am torn about the whole thing myself, because of Tesco now and then helping The Muscular Dystrophy Campaign. I don't want to be disloyal to my friends who died of it, and I don't want people to entirely stop shopping at Tesco, or the next time they help The MD Campaign, the overall donation by Tesco will be down...

(PLEASE, give to
(who WERE Tesco's Charity of the Year until March 1st 2010, but still and will always, need your generosity!!!)

However, I can't help believing that eating turtles is not only cruel, but unnecessary... Eating some other meats is essential for many people, myself included. I was advised to by my doctor. I feel horrendously cruel about eating cows, etc, as I have tried to be veggie for several years, in the past, but, for me, it just isn't possible or at all sensible - Though eating turtle, in today's world, when numbers are down, and it is a cruel process, seems like it might just be for selfishness and cruelty's sake. Is it really necessary these days?? I know that even some Chinese people agree with me! I can't see my half Chinese best friend being a fan of eating turtle, for instance, and there must be others like her in her other home country!

I do also believe that I do have a responsibilty to my God-daughters, and other children in my family, to let them grow up without experiencing the extinction of yet another animal! Not only that, but I should, to be kind to my pet tortoise, KortneyFlint, not condone the death of his turtle cousins! For Heaven's sake, I even feel bad enough that one of my Nintendo Wii games has shelled warrior like creatures that hold up archery boards to help the character, Link, do target practice with his crossbow!! And, that's total fiction!!!

I am COMPLETELY torn about this! - I feel a responsibility to do the right and compassionate thing for these turtles, esp. since I now have a tortoise - BUT I HATE the thought that my friends, from Heaven, might be looking down at me now and feeling betrayed because I am angry at an organisation who has tried to help those like them!!

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