Thread: any tips?
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Old 18-06-2007, 08:35 PM   #4
Join Date: May 2007
Posts: 76

If you are taking him out every half hour that is around 24+ times a day, he may be getting confused. The most important times to take pup outside are when he wakes up after play and after eating. Stay out in the garden with him. Encourage him with a repetative command like 'go pee' or similar and when he does it lots of praise and let him back in. Try to be patient and not give up when he doesn't perform in the garden straight away. Try to encourage him to go to the same place to do his toilet. This will build up a scent and a sense of consistency. Don't leave pup in the garden for long periods on his own or he will not differentiate between house and garden. Dog's are clean animals and will try to deficate as far away from their lair as possible. HTH
p.s. Have just read his bed is in the outhouse, therein probably will lie a problem. He may see the house as the same as the garden. The outhouse being his lair.
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