Thread: Confused!
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Old 13-07-2015, 02:15 PM   #1
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Default Confused!

As someone who has planted an outdoor enclosure for the first time this year I have encountered good advice regarding the purchase of garden centre plants.
The standard stance seems to be that they are full of pesticides and fertilizer and that these should be given a period to dilute and for new growth to appear before feeding...sound common sense advice.
However, I also see (sometimes the same) people advocating the use of Florette Crispy salad as a supplimentary, or even staple (winter) feed.
Now as far as I can see Florette Crispy isn't organic so one would assume that it is also full of pesticides and fertilisers.
With this is mind, surely the above advice is contradictory.
Is Florette organic? Or is this a case of repeated advice becoming correct advice?...or am I barking up the wrong tree?

Testudo hermanni boettgeri 1:0:0 Jerry Maffz
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